Things To Know Before Getting Pregnant

/Things To Know Before Getting Pregnant

Things To Know Before Getting Pregnant


The most important thing to remember before planning a pregnancy is to visit your doctor so that you can get a proper preconception counseling. What you get to know is that is the appropriate time during your cycle when you can get pregnant. That information really makes a lot of difference when you are actually trying and solves at least 99% of the problems.

The most important thing to remember is to have a healthy lifestyle which includes the dietary habits, exercises, taking any medications, make sure to talk to your doctor.

Those mediations might be suitable during the pregnancy or might have to be changed before you try for pregnancy or when you get pregnant. The most important thing that we ask you to start before the pregnancy is a tablets called as folic acid. if possible 3 months prior to pregnancy to take care of some of the neural tube defects that can develop in the baby. Other things to be taken care are medicines, most importantly antibiotics.

If you are into a habit of smoking or drinking, that is something that you stop before you try for pregnancy so that you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Other things that you require is a daily exercise for atleast 30 minutes so that it ensures a healthy pregnancy and improves the chances of normal and healthy delivery.