Is Fasting During Pregnancy Safe or Not?

/Is Fasting During Pregnancy Safe or Not?

Is Fasting During Pregnancy Safe or Not?


It is important to know that fasting during pregnancy is not recommended. This is because you need to drink enough water and eat a healthy balanced diet, so you and your baby get the nutrients you need. It may be religious beliefs or a personal choice, many people choose to keep a fast during the holy days of Navratri or Ramadan. However, when you have a baby growing inside you, should fasting be considered?

First, a pregnant woman has to know Is fasting healthy for her..?
When you are pregnant and responsible for the nutritional needs of your little one there, your body needs more nutrition than before. Hence, some people believe pregnant women should not fast.
However, since fasting during the holy days is comparatively flexible, many think that fasting in pregnancy is not that harmful. That doesn’t mean that you should compromise with the quality or quantity of nutrition since the baby depends on you and any kind of nutritional lapses cannot be risked.

The first trimester is a crucial stage for the baby and a lot of nutrients are needed to support the development of vital organs. Devoiding the body of nourishment at this stage can be very risky and pose serious complications. Hence, fasting in the first three months is not recommended. Fasting during the second trimester is a lot more favorable, as the body gets adjusted to the growing baby’s needs, and you too are maintaining better health than before.

This being said, it is always important to follow precautions at any stage of pregnancy. If you are suffering from any complications, or at risk of diabetes, anemia or high blod pressure, fasting should be avoided at all costs as fasting requires you to abstain from certain food groups and cereals. You do not want to miss out on important supplements and nutrients needed for you and the baby.

The risks:

Fasting also makes you depend on selective consumption, which can even hamper sugar levels. If you do not hydrate enough and meet the necessary water intake, it can lead to dehydration, severe bouts of nausea and vomiting and gastric problems. Hence, proper care is very important.

Another problem people face while fasting is practicing portion control. Some people tend to eat either too little or too less, without moderating the diet or the meal timings. When you don’t practice moderation or eat meals on time, it can further harm your health. It can also expose you to stress and put the body under strain and duress.

If you do keep a fast, remember that you choose your meals well. Do not miss out on the necessary calorie intake and swap those Navratri snacks and chips with a plateful of fruits and veggies.
Hence, it is always important to rethink your decision and keep your doctor and nutritionist in the loop before proceeding with it. Do remember that fasting can wait but a baby’s growth charts cannot.